Plan Commission

Home Plan Commission
Consider attending the monthly meetings of the Plan Commission. Typically the Plan Commission meets the 4th Tuesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. at Town Hall. Meeting announcements are posted under the Meetings Notices/Agendas link.
Plan Commission Job Description                                 Plan Commission Member Application


Jim Berg Plan Commission Member [email protected]
Jon Cronick          Plan Commission Member [email protected]
Warren Johnson Plan Commission Member [email protected]
Kim Kaiser Plan Commission Member [email protected]
Cindy Thorman     Plan Commission Member [email protected] 
Dan Tronrud Plan Commission Member   [email protected]
Jeremy Utke         Plan Commission Chair [email protected]                   


Copyright © 2008 - 2022 Town Of Osceola | Admin
  • Town of Osceola 516 East Avenue North / P.O. Box 216 Dresser, WI 54009
  • Phone:715-755-3060
  • [email protected]